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Miss Diamonds Prep Makeover
Miss Diamonds Prep Makeover

Miss Diamonds Prep Makeover

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Miss Diamonds Prep Makeover

N/A Date added 3 months ago played 0 times

Game Description

Every girl dreams of being Miss Diamonds one day and lots of teen girls take part into beauty pageants or Miss contests in the hope of winning the first place and thus being crowned as the most beautiful girl in their city or in the world. Being Miss Diamonds requires lots of hours of preparation, lots of beauty treatments, hairstyling, getting the right make up and wearing the right dress for a great body look. From getting the perfect face with secret facial beauty treatments to getting the most sophisticated Miss Diamonds look, which will guarantee you the Miss Diamonds title and crown, you have it all in the Miss Diamonds Prep Makeover facial beauty game! Practice your beautician, hair stylist, make up artist and fashion stylist skills and learn how to become the next Miss Diamonds, girls, playing Miss Diamonds Prep Makeover facial beauty game! Enjoy!


Use mouse to play this game.



Miss Diamonds Prep Makeover
Miss Diamonds Prep Makeover
Miss Diamonds Prep Makeover
Miss Diamonds Prep Makeover

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